we are what we eat

I look at my little heavy weight as he lies in my arms and I still don't think it has sunk in that he is actually mine. Mine forever. Don't get me wrong I remember every excruciating ounce of pain that was endured to bring him into this world, but there is still this surreal feeling of 'I must be dreaming' and 'are you sure this is real?'

I always get overwhelmed thinking about the amazing life my creation has in front of him and absolutely dread the thought of any pain, heart break or sadness he will have to endure. I now know what is has been like for my own parents all these years.

But enough of the sappy talk - this week we have reached a 'baby' milestone! Jayse is now on solids! At just over three and a half months I know most baby books and midwives would say I've started to early, but weighing in at a healthy 7.5 kilos already Jayse resembles more of a small toddler than three month old. It was one of those 'trust your gut' moments. And I think I was right. He simply inhales food!

I began with some Farex in the mornings (I really don't know how babies find that stuff appealing!) and in just a short week we have already progressed to puree sweet potato and apples. My new best friend is the 'Baby Bullet', which makes the task of homemade baby food amazingly quick and easy. I recommend it to anyone! And what should feed most babies his age for a week, Jayse polishes off two lots of sweet potato and two lots of apple a day. I am already dreading the cost of my weekly shopping bill in 15 years time!

I think I am going to start adding a little fruit to his Farex in the mornings, because it definitely rates in the bland department. I want to get a little more creative with flavours I'm feeding Jayse - so for all the mums out there with little ones on solids...


So far my process has been making up large quantities and freezing it in ice cube trays and containers. What does everyone else do?

I've been reading a bit online about baby food and the massive debate on jarred vs. homemade. I've always thought from the beginning that I would want to make my own baby food just for the simple fact that I want to know what my baby is eating. It freaks me out to think a jar of pureed apples or pears can sit on a supermarket shelf for six months or more, but when I make it at home will only keep for three days max. But what does everyone else think? What is more economical in regards to time and money?

What I've learnt this week:
- To trust my 'gut instinct' more
- Your baby will let you know when he/she is ready, not baby books 


  1. Yay! i can comment now :D
    i totally get the whole "i must be dreaming" feeling. i felt that a lot first time round! & you are totally right about trusting your gut. there are so many books out there & so many people that will all give you different advice, but when it comes down to it Jayse is your bub, and only you know what is right for him, so you can still read all the books & listen to all the advice & if it feels right then do it, but if it doesn't then dont - thats my philosophy anyway :)

    1. Thanks mel! One of my first comments! Having been a mum for only 4 months it amazes me how instinctively I know what's best for jayse. A lot of people give me advice, which is great, I love getting different perspectives. But I've learnt to be very patient =) I've found I've learned a lot from just trying different things and seeing what works best for jayse. Every baby is different! =)

  2. so true! my 3 are SOOOOOO different & ive found that things that worked really well for one dont work at all for the others!!!


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