Week 17....

Yes my stomach is starting to protrude.... Much like a small soccer ball as my sister put it. And all my favourite clothes are now too uncomfortable to wear. It sucks! I've put on about 3.5 kilos now and most people have said I am not showing at all, but I feel like a beached whale!

Week 16...

So week 16 begins and I am beginning to realise just how relaxed my pregnancy has been so far. I don't even feel pregnant to tell you the truth - besides the fact that I'm starting to look and feel a little round and I can't enjoy myself at parties! I am worried that the second half of my pregnancy is going to be a killer!

According to my book my baby is small enoughto fit in the palm of my hand and weighs about 80 grams. And thanks to my best friend I now have an app on my phone called 'baby bump' which compares the size of my baby to a fruit. I think this week it is the size of navel orange. Weird! And soon I should be able to start feeling the baby move - not literally kicking, but light, little flutters and tickles of the little munchkin's movements.

Further than I thought?....

So I had my 12 week ultrasound a week and a half ago.... But really it should have been called my almost 14 week ultrasound, because the midwife told me I was a little bit further than what I thought. So I am now 15 weeks and I am a little freaked out because in five weeks time that means I am officially half way... This whole journey is going a little bit quicker than I anticipated.

Week 15 - so according to my baby books my little jellybean weighs about 50 grams and it's about 10 centimetres long. (I swear it looked way bigger in the ultrasound scans though!) And apparently it already has hair growing on its eyebrows and head... weird!