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My little man.... All grown up |
And sadness. So very sad.
Yesterday my baby boy celebrated his first birthday and instead of feeling happy, I was upset. I was upset because of how quickly the past year has gone. I think I may have even cried a little. Where have the past 365 days gone? I mean it seriously feels like yesterday I was in the delivery suite of the hospital bringing this little human into the world.
When I was younger I used to whinge to my mum about how long a school day was, she would always say that one day I would realise just how quickly time goes by. I would always roll my eyes at her - but I think I get it now. Always right mum, always right.
I look at my son and yes I do see more of 'me' in him, but he is still a mirror image of his beautiful dad. I have seen flashes of an adorable little personality that is again just like his dad (Did I even get a look in?). I just hope he doesn't get his dad's temper too! =)
Oh and seriously when do the terrible twos start? Because I think they already have in this household. Just the other day I witnessed my son's first full on throw-my-head-to-the-ground, do-not-touch-me, I'll-cry-all-I-want melt down. All because I took the potato masher off him. It was not pretty. I just thank god we were at home and not in public. And I don't think it will be too long before my son is electrocuted because he has a fascination with power points. And sticking things in them! God help me!
I want to know how do people discipline a one year old? Currently my son is sitting in his cot because he wouldn't listen to me when I said 'No! Don't touch! (the powerpoint).
What methods have other mums (or dads) found effective?
They're fearless little buggers, and their world falls apart in a split second when its not going their way. Your doing a great job Madd, never doubt that. I would agree remove from the scene as you do,and yes he does have to learn 'no', 'don't touch' and you will feel somedays thats all you say. So maybe for this one save your sanity and buy some power point safety plugs.( i did, i got sick of my own voice haha)