Yes my stomach is starting to protrude.... Much like a small soccer ball as my sister put it. And all my favourite clothes are now too uncomfortable to wear. It sucks! I've put on about 3.5 kilos now and most people have said I am not showing at all, but I feel like a beached whale!
According to the experts my bundle of joy now weighs around 100 grams and is about 12 centimetres long. It is growing very quickly. All of the baby's bit and pieces are where they are meant to be by now and he/she is getting stronger by the day... It has even begun inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid to get it's little lungs going.
My updates may get a little boring from now as all of the morning sickness and feeling gross part is out of the way. I don't really feel pregnant yet, besides my little belly and my massive boobs, but until I start getting really fat or feel the kid move I feel as though I am in this in between stage!...