Week 15 - so according to my baby books my little jellybean weighs about 50 grams and it's about 10 centimetres long. (I swear it looked way bigger in the ultrasound scans though!) And apparently it already has hair growing on its eyebrows and head... weird!
Back to the ultrasound though - in previous posts I expressed my worry over the 12 week nuchal scan. But all my worries were for nothing. The midwife told me that anything below a 1 in 300 chance for downs syndrome was considered a high risk while anything above 1 in 3000 was considered an extreme low risk. My number is 1 in 10, 000. That definitely put a smile on my face!....
I'm also starting to get the 'baby bump' but I'm still unsure as to whether I actually 'look' pregnant or just fat....